
High level data from the 2022 Point In Time Count was released on May 16, 2022.

Every two years, EveryOne Home conducts a countywide point-in-time count of the unhoused population. The latest count took place on February 22, 2022, three years after the last count due to the pandemic. The 2022 count showed that homelessness went down by 5% in Berkeley, with a total of 1,057 individuals counted. Countywide, the rise in homelessness slowed down, rising 22% in 3 years, compared to rising 43% in two years between 2017-2019.

While the number of sheltered people dropped from 295 in 2019 to 254 in 2022, this can be attributed to social distancing that was needed in various shelters. It also shows that programs in shelters to move people into permanent housing are working. Countywide, the number of sheltered individuals increased by 53%, while unsheltered increased by 13%. This can be attributed to the purchasing and conversion of multiple hotels throughout the county under Projects Homekey and Roomkey.

Causes of Homelessness.png

20% of Berkeley’s residents are living below the poverty line (twice the national average) and many renters are paying more than half of their income on their housing, leaving little for other expenses.
